Le Bec Sucré

Maple Panettone

Le Bec Sucré

Different sizes available

$31.50 CAD

Produit non disponible


Maple Panettone

The dough is delicately sweetened and sprinkled with maple jelly crystals and maple sugar chunks, which enhances the fine taste of maple and our senses.

Flour (Wheat), Sugars (Maple sugar chunks, Fine sugar, Organic maple syrup, Quebec honey), Butter 82-84%, Egg yolks, Water, Natural sourdough, Milk, Salt, Cream 35%, Cornstarch, Gellan gum (Gelling agent), Candy cap infusion, Planifolia vanilla beans from Mexico and Tahitensis vanilla beans from Papua New Guinea.
May contain: Mustard seeds, Soya, Nuts (Hazelnuts, Pistachios, Almonds, Pecans).

Éric Goeury, Viva’ s artisan, is a culinary ambassador for the Érable du Québec brand and the Producteurs et productrices acéricoles du Québec

As for all our panettones, the ingredients have been meticulously chosen.

Our products can be kept for several weeks at room temperature or 30 days after opening.
The best before date is indicated on the back of the sleeve.

Make sure to keep your panettone in its original packaging bag well closed to enjoy its softness and flavors longer.

$31.50 CAD

Produit non disponible

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Our panettones are tax free

Taste it and find out what's inside

Enjoy the Maple Finesse
Tasty Maple Jelly Crystals
Sweet, Soft and Moist Texture
Unforgettable Sugar Shack Memories

Taste it and find out what's inside

Enjoy the Maple Finesse
Tasty Maple Jelly Crystals
Sweet, Soft and Moist Texture
Unforgettable Sugar Shack Memories