Viva panettone blends unique
ingredients, people and experiences.


Eat well. Laugh often. Love plenty. Share.

Le Signature

Traditional Panettone with Candied Citrus Fruits, Sultanas and Exceptional Vanillas

Le Cappuccino

Pure Arabica Coffee and Blond Chocolate Panettone

Le Framboisissimo

Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Chocolate Panettone

It’s what’s inside that matters to us. Our panettone Le Signature is part of the Panettone World Cup official selection.

25% homemade candied fruits
100% exceptional vanillas
97g of natural Lievito madre (mother yeast)
100% handcrafted and packaged

It’s what’s inside that matters to us.

Our panettone Le Signature is part of the Panettone World Cup official selection.

25% homemade candied fruits
100% exceptional vanillas
97g of natural Lievito madre (mother yeast)
100% handcrafted and packaged

They love our panettones